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recent comments

Rhea AC2006 059

From: Renamon57@
Time: 04/18/2021 00:35:15
Comment: can I get a pic of you in your fursuit but no cloths please? I would pay anything for that!!!!


From: Aaron the Wolf@
Time: 01/11/2021 18:46:23
Comment: Me: I put my arm around you and love your stomach.


From: Aaron the Wolf@
Time: 01/11/2021 18:43:28
Comment: Me: I take your hand and kiss you.

Timduru FC2003 068

From: Aaron the Wolf@
Time: 01/11/2021 18:33:18
Comment: I love your fursuit, X3.


From: Aaron the Wolf@
Time: 01/11/2021 18:02:48
Comment: I love your fursuit and think its cute. I would love to have one but I don't have the money. If you want please message me back.

Twitch FF2006 001

From: Cratevert@
Time: 10/12/2019 13:21:55
Comment: OH MURR!

[Fachsenbude (56).JPG]
Fachsenbude (56)

From: Goahead@
Time: 01/09/2015 00:27:23
Comment: Whore and the new dipshitt


Time: 09/13/2014 18:05:34
Comment: I really love these suits. It's a shame the company is no longer in business :(


Time: 09/13/2014 18:04:00
Comment: I want this suit =^-^=

Lightfox EF16 0895

From: JBadger@
Time: 02/14/2014 00:24:03
Comment: Yay more Sherbert pics!


From: anonymous@
Time: 02/05/2014 02:59:25
Comment: Beautiful fursuit!

201307 AC2013 Lostwolf p1250286

From: Matt@
Time: 09/13/2013 06:30:54
Comment: Love this suit!

Aoi ef19 d5 a57 1363

From: Toby@
Time: 09/12/2013 21:18:27
Comment: it's meee!!! Toby!!!! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vectrapup/

Furnace OrgevalBowling 016

From: serveur@
Time: 08/18/2013 01:12:22
Comment: Drole de bestiole verte sur la table

Furnace OrgevalBowling 001

From: serveur@
Time: 08/18/2013 01:05:16
Comment: La sale de refroidissement

Djem OrgevalBowling 023

From: serveur@
Time: 08/18/2013 01:01:40
Comment: Mignion beau et t'chaud

Djem OrgevalBowling 010

From: serveur@
Time: 08/18/2013 00:55:09
Comment: cool

[TJiL-2012_der_baal (14).JPG]
TJiL-2012 der baal (14)

From: German-Wolf@
Time: 01/10/2013 23:13:48
Comment: Yay ich bin auch wo drauf^^

[TJiL-2012_der_baal (14).JPG]
TJiL-2012 der baal (14)

From: German-Wolf@
Time: 01/10/2013 23:13:37
Comment: Yay ich bin auch wo drauf^^

Tim EF13 5230 e

From: Barney Husky@
Time: 08/02/2012 22:14:17
Comment: I seriously want to know WHY the photographer took a pic of me...

Tim EF13 5229 e

From: Barney Husky@
Time: 08/02/2012 22:13:16
Comment: My first fursuit... *groan*

Devilwuff CF2012 252

From: Trax@
Time: 06/25/2012 16:39:43
Comment: Filming filming filming ^_^ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/traxswe/

Devilwuff CF2012 042

From: Trax@
Time: 06/25/2012 16:35:54
Comment: YAY! I am on a picture ^_^ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/traxswe/

Fursuit hyenas

From: Chasing@
Time: 04/12/2012 05:04:38
Comment: The hyenas from Disney's Lion King! :D

Fursuit B B06

From: Chasing@
Time: 04/12/2012 05:00:26
Comment: It's the cast of Disney's Balto! Adorable! :D

Kofu FC2012 006

From: anonymous@
Time: 02/10/2012 10:37:08
Comment: Scruff E. Coyote with Sandoz The Megatherium

Wuuuulf MFM2011 183

From: stitch626@
Time: 11/08/2011 02:24:22
Comment: i know him hugs

Devilwuff EF17 1999

From: Kio@
Time: 09/14/2011 12:29:19
Comment: Orona :)

MoonfoxTagaro EF17 2030

From: anonymous@
Time: 09/03/2011 23:10:24
Comment: Some broad grin

Chakat Cf8-025

From: Mathue@
Time: 08/29/2011 03:15:34
Comment: This is Teddy Ruxpin and Mathue Taxion.


From: Mathue@
Time: 08/29/2011 03:15:17
Comment: This is Kerwin Rabbitroo.


From: Mathue@
Time: 08/29/2011 03:13:52
Comment: This is Kerwin Rabbitroo.


From: Mathue@
Time: 08/29/2011 03:13:29
Comment: This is Kerwin Rabbitroo.

Frysco AC2011 112

From: ChainerPrime@
Time: 07/19/2011 04:56:58
Comment: This is Tiffany Munk and Cadence. The pink one does belong to me.

Abrahm AC2010 3550

From: Jung Ludes@
Time: 07/03/2011 03:38:52
Comment: May I lay on your tummy, Ian?

Dobie WPAFW2008 267

From: wolger surface@
Time: 07/02/2011 22:51:37
Comment: is that a kyr labrynth?

Dobie WPAFW2008 023

From: Wolger SUrface@
Time: 07/02/2011 22:48:11


From: wolger surface@
Time: 07/02/2011 22:36:18
Comment: wow so small looked fun in 06 when it all began. can i take copies of the pics?


From: Lucky Yena@
Time: 05/27/2011 18:17:51
Comment: Oh, that's just so cute! Wish I had one, really. ...a suit like that, I mean. Mightyena, I have plenty of.

Kalika CACE2005 Indi-Kali-Squal

From: pimpedupcarsfan20@
Time: 05/11/2011 23:49:58
Comment: What's that bat name? And can I lay on her tummy?

20110409 R D DSCF9852

From: anonymous@
Time: 04/14/2011 23:22:49
Comment: I do not remember myself. It looks so.. completly changed o_O

RedXIX MFM2010 066

From: anonymous@
Time: 02/24/2011 00:27:00
Comment: Are you sure this isn't MFF 2010? I don't recall either of these suiters being at MFM.

Abrahm MFF2009 612

From: stitch626@
Time: 02/04/2011 06:00:10
Comment: yay skunk

SonicGod AC2006 0614 045

From: kapofox@
Time: 01/23/2011 22:02:22
Comment: I wanted to be there, but I wasn't there. I didn't know about it until now.

AC99 066

From: kapofox@
Time: 01/14/2011 23:37:01
Comment: Awwwww. *crying* Not fair!!

AC99 066

From: kapofox@
Time: 01/14/2011 23:36:51
Comment: Awwwww. *crying* Not fair!!

AC99 067

From: kapofox@
Time: 01/14/2011 23:36:01
Comment: *happy growl*

WildBillTX AC09 0286

From: Kapo Lion@
Time: 01/06/2011 04:43:14
Comment: I wish I had a hug. *crying*

WildBillTX AC09 0084

From: Kapo lion@
Time: 12/31/2010 09:25:00
Comment: I wanna lay on their tummies

PandaGuy AC2002 117

From: kapolion@
Time: 10/10/2010 03:07:39
Comment: I need some furries to hug me cause I'm down

CorneilG EF16 070

From: kapolion@
Time: 10/02/2010 03:48:16
Comment: Who are these furry guys? And will you let them talk to me?

CorneilG EF16 070

From: kapolion@
Time: 10/02/2010 03:47:36
Comment: Where is this located? And will you let them talk to me?

Raghan EF16 5902

From: anonymous@
Time: 09/13/2010 00:27:14
Comment: I really like how this one came out, my suit looks so naked under there, very appropriate for the setting haha.

Aoi ap 0340

From: Sydney@
Time: 06/29/2010 15:31:24
Comment: That's me, Sydney Roo :3

Wylf MMD9 2473

From: Wylf@
Time: 06/29/2010 10:03:01
Comment: Corneil G le communiste xD

Abrahm FCN2010 127

From: ScarletPelt@
Time: 05/26/2010 21:06:03
Comment: Well-detailed rocket pack. Incredible overall.

AkitaInus AC2006 134

From: anonymous@
Time: 05/10/2010 04:59:12
Comment: That is Oryx. Made by ScribbleFox of One Fur All Studios. More pics can be found at - http://www.onefurall.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=90

Abrahm FCN2010 076

From: Cryo@
Time: 05/06/2010 16:17:56
Comment: Yay! Thats me! Awesome pic, the lighting is perfect.


From: Wolfus@
Time: 03/27/2010 19:42:17
Comment: This is one of the cutest suits I have ever seen :)

20021012 Timduru 21

From: anonymous@
Time: 12/31/2009 16:13:29
Comment: if I were to stay under the sun, I would use the suit of a lion. and walk to the garden

DjemGrumpf ExpoPalaisTokyo 056

From: Origamigryphon@
Time: 12/28/2009 20:54:47
Comment: Oh my god, that mean photobomber in the background! >:(

Tim 200403 WDS DP 005

From: anonymous@
Time: 12/20/2009 12:14:06
Comment: hola

DjemGrumpf ExpoPalaisTokyo 017

From: LaGlobule93@
Time: 12/20/2009 09:46:33
Comment: J'aime bien le mec de la sécurité qui lui touche le nez :3

Abrahm MFF2009 207

From: Skittles@
Time: 12/16/2009 09:31:19
Comment: Heh, I'm like "excuse me please!"


From: panzerelch@
Time: 11/16/2009 23:47:36
Comment: woooot flinthoof getting mintz

Diti MMD8 065

From: EZwolf@
Time: 11/08/2009 17:52:36
Comment: Bears never should eat laser beams Excellent pic!

MacLeod MFM09 0772

From: Ranger Skunk@
Time: 09/12/2009 22:26:04
Comment: Who is this and who made the suit??? I love the use you eyes head.

Convoy FWA2007 061

From: anonymous@
Time: 09/05/2009 05:40:05
Comment: Fag fest!

Wyoon MP2009 Misc 035

From: FluffyFielding@
Time: 07/31/2009 17:39:56
Comment: Who is this? I saw him around a lot, I think we had rooms close to each other, but I never got time to catch up to him to say hi!

Aoi cv AC08 0244

From: ekim flow@
Time: 05/02/2009 05:23:54
Comment: it's ginger vixen

WildBillTX MP2008 024

From: thebeast76@
Time: 03/14/2009 16:12:29
Comment: It's the dreaded Confusion Ray!!

Convoy FWA2007 061

From: Alice@
Time: 03/02/2009 06:09:35
Comment: Who is all in this pic Convoy??


From: Mathue@
Time: 02/10/2009 18:46:03
Comment: This is Blynx.


From: Mathue@
Time: 02/10/2009 18:44:54
Comment: This is Teddy Ruxpin and Mathue Taxion.


From: Mathue@
Time: 02/10/2009 18:44:30
Comment: This is Teddy Ruxpin and Mathue Taxion.


From: Mathue@
Time: 02/10/2009 18:38:05
Comment: The name of this costume if I'm not mistaken is Medicine Shield Rabbit. For the life of me I can't recall the builder.


From: Mathue@
Time: 02/10/2009 18:32:09
Comment: The name of this costume if I'm not mistaken is Medicine Shield Rabbit. For the life of me I can't recall the builder.


From: Mathue@
Time: 02/10/2009 18:31:44
Comment: The name of this costume if I'm not mistaken is Medicine Shield Rabbit. For the life of me I can't recall the builder.

RexWolf FC2009 3048

From: Dattas@
Time: 02/01/2009 15:47:59
Comment: Yama! your soul got stolen, perhaps not a 7 megapixels, but they couldn't read your shirt with all the badges in the way!

RexWolf FC2009 2983

From: anonymous@
Time: 01/30/2009 19:13:57
Comment: The mysterious human fursuit... Or, artists need lots of water too. Love ya KK!

MacWolf MFF2008 089

From: anonymous@
Time: 01/05/2009 10:26:09
Comment: Well hello! May I please take you home today?

Fursuit Windmist Suit11

From: anonymous@
Time: 10/29/2008 23:56:03
Comment: cute ^-^.

Dolan EF08 484

From: StripeKazama@
Time: 09/07/2008 14:14:11
Comment: Die humans die >:3 XD


From: jul14N@
Time: 08/09/2008 01:08:51
Comment: awesome suit... i wish i could make that suit

WildBillTX AC08 825

From: Wild`Bill`TX@
Time: 07/27/2008 08:18:38
Comment: Photo taken from a moving shuttle bus to the airport.

WildBillTX AC08 070

From: Wild`Bill`TX@
Time: 07/27/2008 08:11:35
Comment: These people were going to some anti-war protest, not to protest AC! - WBTX.

WildBillTX AC08 282

From: anonymous@
Time: 07/07/2008 19:33:11
Comment: Who was making the fursuit statuetes? I can't make out what the display says.

WildBillTX AC08 418

From: anonymous@
Time: 07/04/2008 20:44:36
Comment: It wasn't very nice to take pictures of people while they were headless. :/

WildBillTX AC08 567

From: howie@
Time: 07/03/2008 13:13:33
Comment: Electropaw, and Howie

FinnishFox AC2007 028

From: stitch 626@
Time: 06/30/2008 13:48:06
Comment: aloah

Tim CF2008 8892 e

From: Werwolf@
Time: 06/29/2008 22:15:57
Comment: Issa Fawks! :D

Aoi ap AC08 0089

From: diadexxus@
Time: 06/29/2008 22:10:45
Comment: Now THAT is an adorable Roo! Who made this, and who owns?

Frysco FC2008 039

From: backfire rabbit@
Time: 05/01/2008 20:50:47
Comment: Does eney boudy know what suit maker made theas suits???? PLeas e-mail me. scottsvolks@hotmail.com

Chakat CF9-022

From: anonymous@
Time: 04/10/2008 02:40:45
Comment: SnowyDog on the right.


From: anonymous@
Time: 04/10/2008 02:28:07
Comment: SnowyDog's spandex dog suit.

[Sonic Versus Mario.jpg]
Sonic Versus Mario

From: a person@
Time: 03/29/2008 14:57:06
Comment: a classic sceene... GO MARIO!!!

20030809 Berni Turku 024

From: anonymous@
Time: 03/29/2008 14:45:24
Comment: lol, cool bird!

Kofu AC07 190

From: stitch 626@
Time: 03/19/2008 16:37:34
Comment: pinky narf heehee


From: anonymous@
Time: 03/11/2008 17:27:55
Comment: Okay...how old is she?

RyuRaccoon FC2008 0504

From: mottenfest.com@
Time: 03/06/2008 19:46:46
Comment: Thanks for posting these for me and everyone to see! :D

100 of 715 comments shown

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